Installation Artificial Grass for Football Ground Price

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You need to know the price clearly before investing

As an important sports facility, more and more football fields choose to install artificial turf (such as GZUNIGRASS) instead of natural grass because of its durability, low maintenance cost and year-round use. Understanding the price and installation cost of artificial turf for football fields is crucial for venue investors.

Installation Artificial Grass for Football Ground Price

Different football field area and turf selection standards

Generally speaking, the area of ​​a standard football field is about 58,000 to 110,000 square feet, and the size of the field directly affects the cost and installation cost of the turf. The price of artificial turf depends on its quality, type and supplier. At GZUNIGRASS, the price of artificial turf is about $1.3 to $3 per square foot. Taking a medium-sized football field as an example, the cost of the turf ranges from about $75,400 to $330,000.

Installation Artificial Grass for Football Ground Price

The foundation of the field and the cost of artificial grass selection

In addition, the cost of installing artificial turf for football fields is also part of the investment. Usually, the installation cost of artificial turf for football fields is between $150,000 and $250,000, which includes turf laying, foundation treatment, field preparation and other work. It should be noted that the cost of the field foundation will also affect the overall cost. Depending on the size of the field and local charging standards, the cost of laying the foundation ranges from $500 to $3,000.

Installation Artificial Grass for Football Ground Price

Therefore, the budget for the complete installation of a football field artificial turf needs to consider the field area, turf quality and installation costs. Choosing a supplier like GZUNIGRASS can enjoy high-quality turf products and flexible price discounts, which provides great convenience and guarantee for the long-term operation of the football field.

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